Metal furiniture

In this site we present some of our recent works in order to acquaint you with our possibilities, what we can make

Balustrades and fences

In this site we present some of our recent works in order to acquaint you with our possibilities, what we can make.

Doors and windows

In this site we present some of our recent works in order to acquaint you with our possibilities, what we can make

Gallery of our works

You can view gallery of independent metal and mechanic workshop Dolona

independent metal and mechanic workshop DOLONA

About us


We specialize in solving complicated technical problems, at the same time taking care of high precision and final quality of process.

  • Telephone:

  • +381 11 3962 262

  • +381 63 328 246

  • Address:

  • Klinska 5,

  • 11050 Belgrade, Serbia